Other Hawaiin days

Things Joan and I did while on vacation included snorkeling with beautiful fish and two very large sea turtles, shopping at Whalers village, dining out every night, Bubba Gumps, Lahaina Grill, Cheeseburger in Paradise, La Cucaracha, and others.
We also took in a splendid magic show in Lahaina called the Warren and Annabelle show. (http://warrenandannabelles.com)
Warren wasn't there as he was on vacation, but two of his students were performing and they are very good.
It was great to see my wife enjoy the magic. The performers John Shryock and Chris Blackmore were extremely talented and FUNNY! They had the audience in stitches. Wonderful for me to watch these guys perform and know I am not far off from them, simply a matter of time and energy, and performing more often.
Their audience interaction was marvelous! That only comes from performing night after night!
The evenings were in many ways more wonderful than the days. The days we spent swimming and laying around in the sun. It was great, but the nights turned into long walks on sandy beaches, a cooler breeze and enjoying each others company.
Taking in the many shops and dreaming dreams of Rolex's and vacations to come. Jewelry stores abound in Hawaii. We had fun looking at many earrings, rings, and watches, pearls, diamonds, and other stones.
We spent lots of time trying on shirts of a Hawaiian flavor, looking for just the right one, I brought home three...
Another thing I brought home was the nicest tan I've ever had! Normally I burn first, not this time though! Wisely Joan and I made several trips to the electric tan in our home town before heading off to Hawaii!
Now with the great weather in Seattle, I'll try to deepen the tan even further. My wife thinks I'm crazy! Of course I am! :)

We did many of the touristy things on our first visit to Hawaii. It was hard not to,

Our last night in Honolulu, we enjoyed a Mexican dinner,

I stopped in a magic store at the International Market.
The fellow behind the counter allowed me to perform for some customers, I had a rockin' good time doing a nice three card set for them.
Then we headed back out to the strip where we watched a street painter do his work, he was very, very talented. I bought one of his paintings, I liked this one because it reminds me of my time swimming with the sea turtles. His name is Christopher Michael Sebo. His web address is www.seboart.com.
It is worth the trip to visit his site! Check out his youtube video there!
We also ran into a street performing magician. His name is Jesse, and he is friends with some magi I know from Seattle. He was between sets so we did not see him perform.

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