Friday Chili feed!
My wife and I were invited to our friends, Ed & Linda's for a chili feed. We went there last night. Little did we know that Linda is somewhat locally famous for her chili. She took first place in a Renton Community chili cooking contest. She beat out the several time champion! A fireman no less! Good on ya Linda!

We have known Ed and Linda for twenty years. I worked with Ed for awhile at Boeing in Renton. He is one of my spiritual advisors. He is a strong Christian brother and I have much love and respect for him.
It was nice for my wife and I to get out without the children for a change. We had great chili and cornbread. The chili was blue ribbon all the way! We overstayed our welcome. Talking for hours about deep and not so deep things. The Bermuda Triangle, fishing, family and God. Linda recently got a Collin Bogle print she has been wanting for about twenty years. They thought they would never find it again, but a miracle happened. They were in an art store in Oregon, they were asked what they were looking for. Not expecting the answer they got when they replied, "ah, you don't have it." They told her what it was and she said, "just a minute," She called the artist and to their utter dismay and joy, they were speaking directly with the artist and he was happy to make them a print and personalized it with the colors Linda specified! How cool is that!?

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