The Graduate!!!
Hallelujah! Ryan graduated from The University of Washington a few days ago. AND amazingly, they didn't screw him up to bad as far as their liberal agenda! Must be because he comes from good stock and attends church regularly!? Ryan "walked" on June 10th.They allow students to walk in the commencement ceremony if they are within a quarter of fulfilling their necessary requirements.

Ryan received a Bachelor of science in Civil Engineering. He has worked extremely hard in this field which requires a ton of upper level mathematics. Civil engineers are the people who work on designing bridges, roads and such structures. Ryan tells me he is undecided on what he wants to do with his immediate future. He has been very active in his church and there campus ministry programs, spending two months last summer on the University of Boise campus, helping further their campus ministry program. While there he had the opportunity spend some time with some family members he had never met before. The summer before last, Ryan spent a month in Canada and a month in China helping to build up some campus ministries there as well.
We are very proud of him!

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