Windy and powerless!
Thursday night about 5:40 pm the power went out at our home. As I write this it is Sunday afternoon about 2:30. Still no power. I was lucky and blessed to have a friend lend me his 2000 watt generator. We have been able to run our refridgerator and our freezer to keep our food from spoiling! Thanks Dave and Ronda! Also, We have two wood burning stoves and they are keeping us nice and cozy. We are also very fortunate that our water heater is heated with gas. So, we have hot water too!
The past several weeks Katie and I have been practicing for our church play for Christmas. It is called "A King Is Coming" It is about the confusion of Christmas and it's true meaning. Santa Clause does not even rate a cameo. However, King Kong, King Tut

and Elvis the king of rock and roll are mentioned!

We were going to perform today but the church is still without power and so we postponed the play til next Sunday. So if you were planning on enjoying this play and missed it because of a power failure, be sure to join us next week and get the power back in your life!
We enjoyed a different sort of church service this morning. We all gathered in the fireside room. So named because of the fireplace there. A fire was lit and we all sang Christmas carols accappella. A sermon was preached by brother Bill Vincent about Christmas and it's meaning. Amazing how Santa Clause was left outside again in the cold. Find the spirit of Christmas!

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