A time to share

Friday, November 16, 2007

No Pain....

Weighed myself last week...
Scale showed 198 pounds....
course 6 of those pounds were because of clothing, shoes and all the "stuff" I carry in my pockets... (At least that's what I tell myself!)
I never had a weight problem in the past because I was always playing basketball in men's leagues and baseball as well, coaching our children kept me busy too, but my knees won't allow me to play hoops anymore. Maybe if I lose twenty pounds they will!?
So, I decided it is time to start using the weight set and recumbent bike we have...
Osmosis wasn't getting it done.
Started lifting weights on Monday. Riding the recumbent bike every other day.
I decided to start easy with not much weight and build tone and stamina first. Normally I get started and before I know it, I have hurt myself because I am trying to "get there" too fast. That's the problem with us "A" types. Impatience.
So, I am trying to get a slow burn going and hopefully it will last much longer with better results.


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