A time to share

Thursday, December 13, 2007

Daily Double!

Yep, that's right! I left home about 4:15, stopped for gas, and headed to Olympia Wash. Our states capital to perform magic at Hope Community church. It was Wednesday night, there AWANA program(Approved Workmen Are Not Ashamed, from 2 Timothy 2:15.
Awana blends Bible teaching, evangelism, Scripture memorization and tons of fun. I was part of that fun for about 150 people, both young and old were amazed, thrilled and down right entertained by yours truly!
Ooh's and Ahh's were heard all night as I performed the Chinese Sticks, Acrobatic Knot, Vanishing Bandanna, and the Cups and Balls! Each performance was to a packed room of about 75 to a hundred. I don't know why, but I wasn't very nervous. Must be all that practicing paying off.
At the end of the first performance I asked the hostess how much time we had left, she said, "we have till 7:10." It was 6:55. I asked the audience if they would like to see one more mystery! A resounding "YES!" was their response, so I went into the outer room and returned with my grandfathers bag trick! ;) It was excellent!
The second "show" went even better, I don't know if it was because I was warmed up or the people were warmed up because of the fun activity they had just come from or perhaps the laughter and murmurings of the group just leaving the room from my show, but it was definitely an octave above the first!
I simply included the Grandfathers bag trick in the set instead of adding it at the end.
That Vanishing Bandanna must be hilarious, cuz the people just laugh uproariously every time!
It is the first time I've had someone come up to me and ask if they could have their picture taken with me! How cool is that!?
The Pastor of the church spoke with me and said, " I heard you just beginning to do these shows, how many have you done?" I replied, Oh, maybe about five or six." He said, "could a fooled me." Which by the way, I most certainly did. :)
Thanks to all the people who responded to my email query about putting together a set.
I am glad I brought extra props, like the Egg Bag and I also brought the linking rings just in case, along with a deck of cards.
Cub Scout Motto: Always Be Prepared!
I got hung up in traffic on my way there, I thought I left plenty early. I wanted to arrive about an hour early to set up, check the sound system to see if my C.D. for the Vanishing Bandanna would work in their sound system.(I brought along a portable c.d. player and extension cord just in case)...
I haven't replaced my cell phone from last August when it took a swim in Puget Sound. My contact lady(Janelle) at the church evidently called my home at about 6pm to see where I was. I arrived five minutes later. It dawns on me how important I(you) are to someone Else's plans. I was booked for a certain time frame and they built their plans around that. It is an awesome responsibility. They were in a bit of disarray because of the flooding to the room I was going to be in, Janelle had emailed me asking if I was flexible? Absolutely was my reply. All they need is for you to be inflexible when they are dealing with 150 plus other people and logistical challenges. It was a great evening for everyone! IMHO.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Sounds like you did a great job!

Any photos/video of you in action?

7:11 PM  
Blogger Timmy Jimmy said...

I had a great time!
Sorry to say I don't have any photo's although there was a man taking lots of pictures and he took my business card so, hopefully I'll get some soon!

12:39 AM  

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