I sent out an email...
I am having tooo much fun getting ready for a gig coming up on the 12th,
I will be performing twice for a church group of people ranging in age from toddler to 6th graders, and their parents...
The time frame for each performance is 25-30 minutes.
I am trying to put together a nice "set".
here is what I am thinking of doing:
Chinese Sticks
Acrobatic Knot
Ring, Rope & Wand
Egg Bag
Vanishing Bandanna
Floating Card.
I have practiced this and it takes about 20-25 minutes, but I am practicing alone and I know it will either go slower or faster depending on audience participation and my performing speed, with adrenaline, might be faster..
This means I leave out the cups and balls and or the linking rings.
I would like to perform the cups and balls but would have to cut out something, maybe two other effects.
Your mission, should you choose to accept....
Is to send me your ideas and all are o.k.
Love magic and you,
My friend and other mentor, Steve Ameden

sent this suggestion:
Seems a bit too much for 20 to 25 minutes. I've seen performers do the egg bag, with audience participation, that takes over 10 minutes (likewise with the Vanishing Bandanna).
You may find yourself rushing through your set trying to get all the effects in. Doing fewer effects will make you more relaxed and able to interact with your audience.
Because of the age group I suggest:
Chinese Sticks
Acrobatic Knot
Vanishing Bandanna
Cups and Balls
Remember, leave them wanting more.......don't put all your eggs in one "bag"
Talk to you later.
Well, all that replied, said the cups and balls had to stay, and most said the vanishing bandanna must as well.
I am a stubborn soul and wanted to include the egg bag, because it is so charming to have a child perform and the look on their face is so precious...
Finally, I had to admit, and so this is what I replied to Steve:
Well, I think after all the practice I have been putting in to figure out which set to use, because of the time restraints,I have decided to go with the set you suggested, why make myself rush through the magic?! It finally dawned on me, even as much as I love the egg bag and having a kid come up on stage, it would mean rushing through all the magical effects and that is not entertainment.
Thanks again O Wise and Ancient One!
Of course, he had to have the last word:
Excellent choice grasshopper......

Your number one fan
Is he the guy that does the one coin routine?
Saw it at Tom's magic shop....very smooth
Most likely, he is one and the same, Steve does an awesome one coin routine, probably one of the best!
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