Packages For Iraq
I read about them as a kid, these people who had sent their sons and daughters off to war...
little did I ever think I would have a child that would be off to war, across the seas...
When I read about them in history books it was usually a gut wrenching story of despair and loss...
Today in America and the world, it is much different, with instant messaging, email, and instant 24 hour news...
Eric turns 21 a week from Thursday, tomorrow, we have prepared him some goodies for his birthday as well as Christmas.

Seems to me when we commit to something we should go all out to achieve it. I mean, try swimming halfway across the lake, or even 8/10'ths of the way, you still drown!
In WWII we had all kinds of rationing, food stamps and the like...
Not today, maintain the status quo, business as usual.
Don't forget your latte a day or the bling bling on your earring... Gotta have shiny sinners on your vehicles wheels... Makes me sick!
We don't honor the men and women who sacrifice their time, talents, and lives to allow us to enjoy the wonderful freedoms we enjoy.
Instead we honor the homosexuals and the Dane Cook's of the world. Amazing what we have become. Quite sad really.
Oh, by the way, what are you getting for holiday?
Doesn't that sound stupid?
It's Christmas my friends.
And it's not about getting...
There are two types of people in this world, givers, and takers...
Which are you?
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