Wintertime fun
Got outta bed early yesterday, about 12 noon, I know someone reading this might be wondering...??? That's early? Yep about three hours early.
My daughter had a half day and is now outta school til the New Year!
So I took her up to the mountain and she snow boarded for the first time!!! We had some car trouble on the way up to the pass, thinking it is a transmission low on fluid. We made it to the pass, I bought some tranny fluid and we skied(Me) and boarded til about 7pm. The drive home was uneventful.
It was Katie's first time up and she did awesome,

Me on the other hand... well, I am getting old and outta shape. I am glad i was with her because it allowed me an opportunity to take it easy. I only developed a mild burn in my quads!
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