What's New?
Been some time since posting here...
Last Friday Joan and I joined Dale and Jean at McCormick & Schmicks on Lake Union for dinner. We had a great time and the food was good too. Dale and Jean are celebrating their 25th wedding anniversary this month!
Monday, Son Ryan and some friends of his came to our place for dinner. They had just finished snow shoeing up near Mt. Rainier. It is a place called Paradise.
You can see why from the picture.
The boys all wanted me to do magic because Ryan had informed them that I do magic. After dinner I entertained them with about six effects.
It was a good time!
Tuesday night I enjoyed the company of Mark Jenkins and Gary McKibben for a magic sesion at Gary's place. We worked on sponge balls and Slydini Silks. Mark forgot his silks and Gary couldn't find his. So, Tim Flynn had to use his for demonstration purposes. We worked on the various knots and how to upset them. We spent some time watching Jim Cellini perform Slydini silks via dvd. Very nice!
Gary was kind enough to share his wonderful sponge ball routine with us again, this time I videod it and will be putting it on dvd soon.
I learned a new ring and string trick from Charlie the juggling clown earlier in the month so I shared it with the guys. Mark really liked it.
Wednesday Katie and I drove up the pass and she snow boarded while I skied. I heard there was a lunar eclipse. The night sky was too cloudy and we weren't able to see it, too bad because with the extra elevation of being up in the mountains, it would have been spectacular. We had a great time and Katie went up on the biggest hill available. The Express chair lift. It was really nice. And the nice thing is now I can ski more because she is rapidly improving!
Our chair lift died while we were on it. We sat there for about 15-20 minutes. Luckily the wind had died down or it would have been a cold wait. They got the chair running again, but by now it was fairly late so we made it our last "run," and headed home. Hot tub is really nice after skiing!
Thursday our bible study group started up again. Am looking forward to it. Growth in Christ and my walk with God is my goal. Spiritual growth and becoming more Christ like! OY! I have a long way to go.
Friday evening we had a couple of people over for dinner and to teach the Young man some magic. His name is Mickey and he was interested in the magical art last year and kind of lost desire for awhile. Maybe he just got busy and got side tracked. Been there myself! We worked on cups & balls, sponge balls, some coin stuff and a few other things.
So, here I am at work on Saturday night rolling into Sunday morning. The time is getting short for my trip to North Carolina. Three weeks to go and I don't have it all together yet. Got some ideas and am thinking a lot!
Last Saturday was my 30th anniversary at Boeing. I get some kind of an award for this. I get to choose it out of an online catalog. Well, Since my camera broke recently. That is what I chose, should arrive any day. Hopefully before going to N. Carolina!
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