Weekend Magic and Mom's day
The Deaf carnival was a hoot!
I arrived at 5pm and got right to work performing walk around magic,

I did linking rings twice, and cut and restored rope, but they didn't seem to be as well received as some of the more intimate close up magic.
Everyone treated me nice, and enjoyed the magic! It is fun to hear ooh's and aah's!
It is all a learning experience with me, as is life!
Saturday I took my wife on the Royal Argosy out on Elliot Bay as I was performing walk around magic for U.S. Oil Trading LLC. The tug boat races
A paid gig and Salmon dinner too!I didn't actually spend much time with my wife because I began performing for the many people enjoying a nice break from reality! We can all use that now and again!
A one man musician was singing and playing guitar as I did magic at tables on the second deck of the ship.I was so busy and having fun I forgot to eat my Salmon meal... There was free open bar and I didn't realize it til I was finished with my three hours... I took two breaks, but mostly just kept on going from table to table enthralling people.
Mostly card magic, but some nice silk magic, and I finally broke into some nice coin magic near the end.
Coin magic is kind of scary for me. I am told I'm good at it, but performing for magicians, and their "eagle" eyes kind of makes you wonder.It was great to perform for non magicians and get some great "Wow!" reactions!
I'll find out how well I did if I get invited back for next years shindig.
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