That Time of Year!
That time of year around here is...
Salmon fishing time...
In years past I have spent a lot of time, money, and energy fishing in Puget Sound on our 16 foot Arima boat. Every year I have to 'dig' the boat out of the garage amidst the clutter that has accumulated over the winter and spring months.
Most every year it is a challenge to get the kicker motor to work properly, this year was no different, although the first time out on the Sound the kicker motor purred like a kitten. But when I got home and flushed it with fresh water, it decided that it has had enough! It stopped spitting water and my neighbor Andy, a wonderful mechanic happened to be watching me clean up the boat and flush the motors. We took the motor off the boat and took the "head' off. We found a small hole in the cylinder.

NOT GOOD! The motor is shot. Dead, kaput...
With the high cost of running a boat, launch fees, clean up time etc... I am beginning to adopt the idea that fishing in the rivers is the way to go.
It saves me time and money, and I still catch plenty of fish, if not more. I just need to learn more about the times the different types of Salmon run.
And of course where and when to go fish for Steelhead.
Our children are beginning to learn this fishery as well.
It has been fun teaching them these methods, which I too am just learning, and also how to tie your leaders and hooks and fishing tackle.
I am pretty tired, worn out doing all this fishing, but it is living life and working to get better at something, spending time with your children and I love smoking salmon and giving it away.
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