Weekend warrior...
Friday morning I got off work and took a golf spin around Riverbend golf course.
There seems to always be this fivesome of old retired guys there. Normally we would let them get out ahead of you because they golf so fast that it is uncomfortable if they are behind you pushing you. I golfed by myself so jumped out in front of them. I ran much of the course. I finished maybe 3 and a half holes ahead or them. They don't hole out hteir putts and play a naice round of ready golf.
I shot an 86 in the mud and slop. Had a good time. I reflected alot about my brother Ted and his passing. Missing him but keeping him alive in my mind. Never to golf with him again saddens me.
Thursday, Thnaksgiving! Always a great feast
and time together. We had Ryan
Ryan is sporting a "No Shave November" beard! He says it is bothersome however. Haha!
David and his fiance,
Jim and Ellen have been in the process of a major remodel for about a year now! The house is looking really nice and about 95% complete!
Friday morning I met My friend Mike, and we went golfing at Trophy Lake near Bremerton, we had a couple hour frost delay, they started us out in a shot gun type format to accommodate everyone. We started on hole number three. It was a beautiful winter day! Brisk but sunny, very little wind. Mike and I played an extra seven holes because we finished on hole number two so just kept going to finish on number nine! I don't know what I shot because Mike never told me, I think it was anywhere from 93 -96?
Mike paid for my round for some reason. I asked him later why he did that? and he told me that I drove and am always fixing or repairing clubs for him. I thanked him and we move on. That is the kind of relationship Mike and I have. A kind of, everything works out in the end thing.
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