Tired Tuesday/Magic session
Sleep, the eternal generator is eluding me again lately...
Sleeping a few hours in the morning and waking up. Only to need to rest in the evening before going to work. This is messing up my lifestyle pattern. Perpetuating a weird kind of sleep no sleep pattern.This is making me crazy, along with trying to function at work and home and getting in some work outs... I am feeling tired most of the time lately. Maybe it's the coming change in the weather?
I hope so, I would like to get back to a "normal" wake and sleep cycle.
Tuesday night I drove over to Gary's home looking forward to a magic session. Mark Jensen was supposed to join us but he had to bail for reasons of fatigue. So it was just I and Gary. We had a mostly discussion sort of session. Talking about getting gigs, and what works, and doesn't work performing close up magic vs. platform or stage magic. Gary has a nice paying gig coming up in May and we discussed some of the stuff I perform that he might be able to incorporate into his close up routine. He is interested in some new material as this is the fourth engagement with this particular venue.
I shared with Gary a nice card effect called mind reader. I haven't performed it in awhile, but something he was sharing with me sparked a memory so I went ahead and shared it with him. His reaction was quite astonishing. I blew his mind! it was really unexpected on my part that he would be so blown away, quite gratifying really. It was wonderful to bring out the little kid in Gary. He liked it so much that he immediately wanted me to "do it" for his wife Jean. This is the fourth time I have been to Gary's home working with him magically. This is the first time I have performed any "magic" for his wife Jean.
My new camera arrived today as well! it is an award for 30 years of service at Boeing. Nowadays, instead of getting a pre ordained wrist watch, they now have an online catalogue for you to choose from. Since my old camera is now dead, it was a no brainer to pick out a nice Canon PowerShot A570is digital camera!
So, you should be seeing more photo's on here again soon!
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