Chambers Bay

(Click images to enlarge!)
Opened just over a year ago... been hearing good things about it...
The U.S Open Championship will be played there in 1015.

I told my wife later about how much fun we had and how great the course was. She mentioned, "How can it be so wonderful as you say, when there are no trees on the course!?"
Beauty is in the eye of the beholder I guess. You have to be a golfer to appreciate the interesting beauty of a place like Chambers Bay. Unlike any course in the area. Beautiful landscaping, challenging terrain, and picturesque views.

The course is basically out of my normal price range. They want about $150 to play the course and caddies are encouraged. I am a cheap so and so... 70 bucks in January is still a steep price and a caddie, haha... no way, 45 bucks and they also want you to pay a 25 dollar gratuity! Ha! Who they kiddin'? Not me, I just wanna golf baby!
We walked the course and like I said, it was a Sweet January day, no wind, no rain and a little sunshine. Perfect.
I shot a 95 and should have been about 7 strokes better. That's golf.

Situated above Puget Sound in Pierce County. Chambers Bay was built on an old rock Quarry.
Someday I'll find a deal on a chance to play here in the summer months!
Sweet pics dad. Looks a lot like some of those Irish/Scottish courses.
try more hip turn on the down swing...on second thought you might hurt yourself!
Yep, it does look like those Irish and Scottish links! Beautiful job they did!
At least I keep my head down thru impact! Finding the positive, although I did jump outta my shoes at the ball!
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