Torch of Dreams
I was asked to travel to Olympia to a Top Foods store to perform magic for three hours on Saturday. The reason was to promote the upcoming Benefit Concert "Torch Of Dreams" starring World Teen Champion Sterling Dietz and the Brothers From Different Mothers!
I had an hour drive and arrived at about 2:15. I met up with the store manager, a young lady names Charlette. She was very excited and enthusiastic to have me there!
She got right to work setting me up and making me feel comfortable.
After a few minutes in one location near the front of the store, Charlette decided to move me to a more people traffic friendly spot, back near the meat department!
She also decided to hook up a microphone for me. It was a long three hour set. I must have performed the cups and balls four or five times. Linking Rings three times, Acrobatic Knot, and Cut and Restored Ropes four each and much more. I had a good time but didn't seem to have much success selling tickets to the upcoming show on Valentines day at the Olympic Theater. I sold exactly two tickets, and those I discounted because they are senior citizens.
I ran into several people who had seen my show in December of 2007! That was pretty cool!
For close up work I performed Crazy Man's handcuffs, Needle Thru Balloon, Hot Rod and Jumping Gems.
I performed some great card magic as well.
I hope I planted some seeds that will sprout people to see the magic of Sterling and the Bro's From different Mo's!
I was hoping to post some pictures from the day but I haven't received any yet, so I have this one as a remembrance of the nice people at Top Foods.
It was a great gesture.
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