What a Wonderful Life
Joan and I have been thinking about remodeling our kitchen...
Because of magic... you meet many different souls...
Jose came by today and took some measurements and gave us some great insight on our options and places to buy new cabinets etc.
AND... after that we sessioned for a few hours!
It was great sessioning with him. He showed me where he is at with his new Mendoza cups and balls routine,
An effect by Harry Lorayne called "One Eyed Jack Sandwich' and then "Paper clipped" by Jay Sankey. I thought it was nice to go into paper clipped from one eyed jack...
Jose liked it too.
We went thru several dozen cards working on the Mercury fold!
Got a phone call from my nephew Lionel today. He is in acting school somewhere in Seattle. He asked me if I would be willing to do some magic for his group as they are having a fund raiser. What could I say? Absolutely!
This will happen on the 20th of February at the Erickson Theatre Off Broadway. Should be a hoot!
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