Yesterday was the 1st Anniversary
of my friend Mike and his wife Kimberley's wedding.
They got married by a judge last year as it was expedient and now they wanted to celebrate that union.
They invited several friends and family to join in the festivities.
Mike is one of my best friends. We have shared our friendship for about 13 years.
We travelled to Scotland and Ireland together.
I have worked with him for many years.
Mike honored me by asking me to speak at his celebration.
I did not know what I would say, but of course that is really unimportant... or is it?
I spoke with my pastor about some bible passages that I might use that are appropriate for a wedding celebration.
He steered me to 1 Corinthians 13. The Love passage. Love is kind... etc.
He also told me to look into Mark 10:6. which is about "in the beginning God made them male and female, and that no man should tear the marriage apart.
I decided this would be a good lead in to doing a special magic trick known as "Anniversary Waltz."
Two cards are selected, one by each person and signed, after placing the cards into their out stretched hands the two cards become one card with signatures on both sides.
"The Two Have Become One!"
I love this effect. I love giving it away. I have purchased plastic baseball card sleeves so that the couple can keep their "heirloom" in a nice safe place.
A wonderful reminder of hard it should be to tear them apart.
I had the happy couple say some magic words... which they didn't say for the judge, like the words, "I do!"
My lovely bride of 29 years and our daughter joined us in the celebration.
We danced and had a wonderful evening.
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