Good day, Bad day, Dog day...
The Good:I got up really early yesterday morning, well early for when a guy is on vacation...
My friend Jay Brunner had a mild heart attack last week. He does carpentry and just about any work needed, he is an amazing handy man.
I found out Sunday at church that he had to dig a 40 inch, 3 X 3 foot hole in the ground at our parsonage to run some wire and conduit and a short trench. I sure didn't want Jay digging that, especially with the stitches etc, and his recent hart trouble, it is his third one.
So I volunteered myself and talked my son into helping.
Good thing too. It took us two hours of solid digging and that equivilates ( I know, I made this word up, just call me Sarah Palin jr. )to four man hours. I doubt I could have done four hours of digging myself. Not because I'm weak, just that It is something that is foreign to me and would use muscles unaccustomed to that type of labor. As it was, after about two feet down in the 3 X 3hole, only one of us could fit at a time anyway, so Eric and I took turns.
I was pleased as punch to do this for Jay. So was Jay, he was not looking forward to it!
After resting at home, I talked my wife into going to Lowe's to look at tile to cover the table that I have the Big Green Egg in... we spent some time there as it was difficult to choose a color.
actually we got one we think we will like.
While driving home we received a call form our son Eric informing us that our dog Cub

had had some more seizures, Eric said about 11, and that Katie and Ryan were taking him to the animal hospital. We called them and by the time we reached them, Ryan informed us that he thought that Cub was dead. So we had him bring him home.
It is a very sad thing to lose your dog. Cub has been a fun family dog for about 4-5 years, He is basically Katie's dog... but you know how the inveigle themselves into your heart!
Katie is devastated, and we are all feeling the loss.
I offered to bury Cub in the back yard behind our fence and told Katie we could get a small head stone for him and for her to visit him. At first she was for this idea, but I think her brother talked her out of it, saying that other animals might get to his body, so she changed her mind and we are going to take him away today...
I am at a loss as to what I can do for her, it is very difficult to be your daughters daddy and not be able to fix something like this.
In some ways Katie is very pragmatic, and realizes that Cub is not there... it is just so Damn hard to realize that one minute he was a very healthy part of your family, playing tug O war, chasing balls and a part of your life, and the next... just simply dead.
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