Happy New Year!
Went to church New Years Eve. Heard an excellent sermon from pastor Bill. It was about the pursuit of holiness. Why pursue holiness? God is holy. To be allowed in His presence, we must be holy. We cannot be holy. That is why Jesus came, so we could be admitted into the presence of God! Amen!
After church I began the process of rebuilding our chain link fence that was demolished by some trees two or three years ago. Katie helped a lot and it was nice working along side her. We got the end posts cememted and dug the holes for a few other fence posts before darkness haulted are work.
Dale, Jean and their daughter Jeni joined us for dinner and fireworks
Actual photo's of fireworks in our back yard, taken by Dale, his camera has a "fireworks" mode!

to celebrate the New Year! Great food, flank steak, crab mushrooms, baked potaoes, salad and for dessert,

"Irish Potatoes!" (Baked apples with brown sugar and cinnamon) with Vanilla Ice cream!

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