Seahawks 21-- Cowboys 20
Boom chucka lucka BOOM! Wow! What an exciting game. No holds barred fast action non stop excitement. Edge of your seat thriller, down to the wire... Who will make the last mistake!?
When Tony Romo misplayed the snap for the go ahead (and maybe game winning field goal) I jumped out of my seat and yelled "FUMBLE FUMBLE FUMBLE"... Just as quickly, as he began to run with the ball towards the end zone, I was screaming at the t.v. yelling "GET HIM GET HIM GET HIM!"

My first inclination after the game was to pick up the phone and call my brother Ted. I knew EXACTLY what he was doing at that exact same time. He was yelling the very same things I was yelling. I mean, the very same exact things! It was as if we were in the same room together! We would often call each other after sporting events that had grabbed us emotionally!
My wife told me it was probably not a good time to call him, I said something like "why?" It can't make anything any worse." About that time the phone rang, I reached for it but it did not ring again. Maybe it was my brother Ted? Maybe he "felt" the same things I was feeling and then stopped himself... I'll never know. I don't have caller ID. Whoever it was didn't call back. Perhaps a wrong number?
Life's a blast ain't it!?
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