Our day with Mr. Bobgan!
Like I have posted earlier, our p.c. at home is dead, getting my pictures uploaded has been non existent... I went to our neighbors and used her p.c. so I can now use my p.c. at work to add some photo's and catch up on my blogging..
Wed. the 11th we took Johnny Bobgan out to dinner at El Caporal, a favorite Mexican restaurant of ours.
Our Nephew Mike joined us and actually drove us to the restaurant in his new truck!
We enjoyed a hot meal and catching up with Johnny and Mike. Johnny is a childhood friend of our son Eric. They have been friends forever, they both went thru all 12 grades of school together. Johnny is also a marine and was home on leave. He calls Joan and I his other parents! :)
Our waiter was clowning around with me, both of us having fun with each other, so... I did a little magic for him, crazy man's handcuffs and then for our table neighbors I performed the Hot Rod and vanished it at the end. Funny what a little magic in your life can do! There were about three other tables looking on by the time I finished.
After dinner we did a bit of clowning around...
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