Last Wednesday, I took my older brother John up to the pass and we had a blast skiing. We started out at Snoqualmie summit, but after two or three runs I said, let's had over to Alpental. It was a great decision! Alpental's snow was much softer, less skied on, and the runs are longer and tougher! There was less people as well. The night was beautiful, Icicles hanging from cavernous stones, the stars were shining brightly, no wind and the sunset was awesome as it bounced off the various mountains surrounding us! As usual, I decided against bringing a camera. Woe is me!
You'd think I would learn! Maybe now I have!
John and I had some important things to discuss, private, heavy matters, family matters and getting on equal ground. We danced around the "elephant" until we were all finished and I was dropping him off at the park and ride. We spent an hour on some meaty issues. It was good and hearty. Both sides giving and taking. I think we are on the road to healing our relationship. In fact, I think it can be better and stronger than ever before. I believe we will be able to move it from a big brother, little brother relationship to a more healthy... brothers relationship. With more respect for each other and what each has to offer and has gone thru.
Friday arrived and Joan and I celebrated our 27th wedding anniversary. We went out to dinner at a place called Barnaby's in Renton. Joan had worked there some 30 odd years ago when the place was called the Jolly Ox. Funny, but the decor is still the same, kind of an old English coat of arms style of block wood and such. Lots of old style pictures and things hanging about. The chairs and tables are made of sturdy wood and look to be the originals! We relaxed and enjoyed the time alone!
Sunday morning gone to church. The pastor was preaching on Eph. 6:10-18. Putting on the whole armour of God. I had contacted him several weeks ago and told him I have a nice magical illusion that fits right in with that message. My daughter Katie was my helper and we performed for everyone.

She should remain seated. Standing up exposes too much of the bottom of the box. Always think about angles before doing any effect.
Good point. However, the effect and instruction I used was from the book, The Art of Gospel Magic by Art Zachman. In the routine described in his book, he has the person stand up and turn all the way around.
Some comments by people in the audience were interesting. Many said they thought my daughter had somehow been able to move hear head back far enough to avoid the arrows. But when she turned all the way around, they were now left without that possibility. Several others thought that because of the patter story, that when I opened the doors, they would see her head but the arrows would all be in front of her head, so there was genuine startlement because of the vanish of her head.
Why do you feel it is important that the bottom of the box not be exposed?
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