One Year Ago Today........
Today marks the 1 year anniversary of my younger brothers death. Wow, that went by fast. Seems like just about four months ago.

I must say I haven't been a very good brother to Ted. I haven't contacted his family at all. I received a phone call from his widow on my birthday in March, and she spoke with my wife and later when I tried to call her back, I got Ted's daughter Lisa. Don't know if she passed along the message. I also haven't spoken with my older sister at all. Been trying to patch things up with my older brother here and there. Not working too hard at it though, just kind of letting things ride, or maybe "slip away." Been trying to work things out with my younger sister too, we spoke on the phone yesterday! She is doing better.
So, what am I waiting for? Don't know, maybe I'm tired of stepping in it. My older brother John told me that when you give and the more you give, the easier and harder you get hurt. My cousin recently told me that I am considered self righteous by my brothers and sisters. Because I believe in Jesus Christ as my Lord and Savior and because I don't always live out what others believe to be a Christian walk or lifestyle.
I guess many people don't really understand what being a Christian is. People think that you have to be perfect to be a Christian, I find this funny in a sort of sad sort of way. Just the opposite is true. Christ didn't die on a tree for perfect people. He died for us sinners so that we could come to know Him and spend eternity with God.
My walk is a work in progress, I am a work in progress. Two steps forward and one step back. Sometimes I really mess up and take three or four steps back...
Thank God He sent Jesus to stand in my stead on that judgement day!
Don't really know why I went off on this vein when I wanted to write about my little bro....
Guess I am a bit scattered.
To anyone I know that is reading this,
I love you!
But more importantly,
Jesus loves you even more than I could ever.

Hey brother, kinda belated I know. I just wanted to give you the thumbs up for trying. Doing nothing is so much easier in a situation like this. I am proud of you from putting out some feelers with your siblings. As you know from the loss of your brother (I know that pain as well) we get 'em for too short a time as it is - we ought to make the best of it. Love to you pal, and thanks for all the work you do on the blog - great to see you today at the Dan Garrett lecture!
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