Wow, Magic!
I spent the weekend and Monday performing, teaching and learning magic!
Saturday morning my nephew Lionel, the film guru came over and we made a studio in my basement!
Lionel has a lot of creative ideas. He had lighting, cameras, and a rolling dolly, plus tons of enthusiasm!
It was a long day of setting up and preparing. Once that was ready, we began filming... close up magic shots of my hands shuffling cards, rolling coins and poker chips, doing magical things. We did this for a couple of hours, then it was time to pack up and head down to Kent to set up the South Side Dance Studio for a live performance of my show.
My son Ryan helped us set up the Dance studio. Setting out 40 chairs initially, and setting up risers and the two camera's and sound system and lighting. A nice backdrop as well.
We were hoping to get 40 people but we didn't know what would happen. I emailed everyone I know, Church, my clown alley, and used Facebook too, talked with people I work with at Boeing, cajoled and gave a shout out!
I was really tired prior to performing, trying to get psyched up, My Mojo was down, not a good thing when you are going to create a positive promo DVD.
I walked into the studio about 15 minutes before the performance to get something and was amazed by the turnout, about 40 people were already there! Right on, soon we needed more chairs, of course my son and Lionel were handling that, I was in another area mentally preparing, double checking things in my mind... soon Ryan and Lionel came into the waiting area and grabbed the few remaining chairs... A packed house of about 70 people greeted me when I came on stage! Wow.
I was tired but they were all fired up and wired up... Lionel told me later it was really cool when he was announcing me how the crowd was really amped up.
They amped me up!
People I hadn't seen in over 30 years came out, thanks to Facebook! Awesome!
Many people that had seen my show before were simply there to support me! What an awesome feeling it was to see the love!
We passed the hat so to speak, and it was a generous crowd. Covered the rental of the establishment and some money left over to pay for the caterer I had hired for Sunday's events.
Sunday Lionel arrived about 10 AM. and we got busy setting up for some in house studio performances. I had invited many people to come over to be a part of the audience. Again I was worried that no one would come. Many cancelled. I understand this, but still it is disappointing. Christmas time and all, who wants to give up a Sunday at this time of year. Soon some people did arrive, friends from up the street, a couple of other neighbors, the caterer, a man named Dave and his wife.
The caterer dropped the ball, or more accurately the pan of lasagna they were bringing... Dropped it right on his driveway as he was getting ready to bring it over, no five second rule there! :)
Him and his wife came with the Caesar salad, garlic bread and cake dessert, his wife went to Costco and bought three large pizzas... It's all good! :)
We had a great time with two cameras rolling, I was doing close up card work and several pieces from my stand up act. Some of my neighbors had never seen me perform, they were blown away! We had a lot of fun.
I am learning a lot as I do these projects. It is hard to get into a rhythm in this type of setting. I was trying to do my act, which flows, but when we stop and re shoot a piece, it throws me off. Really kind of weird. I have a greater respect for all those magicians who do this type of stuff.
We shot one "show" in the basement "studio."
Took a nice lunch break as the set was moved upstairs.
Since it is Christmas time, we used the natural setting of our tree and other decorations. I am excited to see how it turns out!
We had some different "audience"It was a lot of fun!
Man was I tired when everyone left about seven PM.
Went to bed at Ten, got up at quarter to six in the morning Monday...
Three shows today at Tahoma Jr. High School...
Excited and tired... gotta fire up!
The first class doubled immediately as another teacher joined the drama class.
Better and better!
I rocked in the A.M.
The students and teachers were over joyed. A great show, we connected!
The second class wasn't the same energy, more subdued, but still, we had fun.
The third class was the most raucous... the after lunch crowd.
A lot of fun and I believe we may have gotten some great footage of crowd reactions!
A long day... three days long day!
really wish I could be there, would love a dvd if you can....
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