The Eleven of Diamonds???
We had our Christmas clown alley party/meeting tonight...
We had good food,

After the gift exchange we had "open Mic!"
Not many participated in the open mic... Sean Melicher is an excellent photographer and showed off a nice slide show of his work, Michael Velling followed that up with a great hat routine, rolling that hat all over his body, and then he had some fun with clapping and making fun noises with his mouth, ah the clowns.. Pennie and Joyce did a fun and funny skit with an orange attached to a string. I followed that up with a new effect I am thinking of putting in my act. It is "Standing Ovation" by Bill Malone. It went great!
I chose a young lady to be my assistant and had her take an invisible deck into the audience for someone to choose a card. She chose a young boy of about eight. When I asked him what card he chose, he froze... I asked him to describe it for me, still no response, am I panicking yet???
I told him to visualize his selection, finally he said it is red and kinda pointy, I said, Oh, it's a diamond? He replied, Yes... I asked what number it was, he said the eleven!
Eleven, really... the eleven of diamonds? Yes was his response, I said, well that's amazing cuz there is no eleven, but there is a ten and after that is the Jack, is it the Jack of diamonds?
We all agreed it was the Jack... too funny, The ending was great and all worked out... Geesh... Are you kidding me!
What next? :)
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