A time to share

Sunday, August 20, 2006

Great Weekend

Well, it is Sunday night and I survived the weekend intact! I am at work right now and feeling a bit sunwrecked, those of you who have spent any amount of time on a boat in the scorching sun know what I mean! Saturday I got out, more like crawled out of bed at about 10 am... I know, sleepin in! Anyway, I talked my daughter into going out to lake Washington and trying our hand once again to catch some of that great tasting great fighting Sockeye Salmon while we can! We fished for about 4 hours, intermittently swimming and dousing ourselves with life most important chemical, H2O... Not one bite... Ran a cross a fellow and his wife and daughter fishing that had caught Nine! Whatsup with that!
Got up early Sunday morning for church and drug the boat out of the garage to take with me. Today was the last day for Sockeye fishing. Gonna go after church! Amen! I had childrens' adventure club at church, we showed the young people a video about Moses. Afterwards I did several coin tricks and stunned them all, including the adults!
Talked my lovely wife into going, we got out there about 1:30, caught our first fish at about 2:15 and another at about 3:30... Lost a nice one too...It was great to have my wife on the boat with me. It has been a rare thing. Just the two of us! We caught are third fish about 4:30, it turned out to be silver. I didn't know they would bite on bare hooks, hmmm, maybe try that in the Sound?
Got home about 7:30, cleaned and vacuum sealed our catch, went to Taco Time for dinner and with the children all out of the house......
Like I said, A GREAT WEEKEND!!


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