Session, Scotty Walsh Style!

Got up today with great expectations. Session tonight at Scotty Walsh's home... Yeah Baby, I missed last weeks session at Jose's place...
Had a few chores to take care of like having a lug bolt and nut replaced on my Dodge intrepid and nailing a gutter that was hanging off the front of the house... took care of those details and had a bite to eat and headed to Scotty and Ginas' place for our first session at thieir new digs. Small but quaint. Their place fits them. Cozy and warm, they remodeled the whole place. Nice job, no spiders! :)
Gina is a lovely lady and a wonderful. charming hostess. Scotty is a very lucky hombre.... by the way, so is Gina. (not that she's an hombre, jsut lucky!) I like Scotty a lot. He is a gentleman. And he has some wonderful magic and is full of exuberant energy when it comes to performing, he has a quiet, strong style!
It was great to see my friend Steve Ameden again, he is looking much better, he shared some great card tricks with us... Jose and Randy were there as well, it is always my pleasure to be with Jose, he is another of the quiet types, in fact, now that I think about it, I'm probably the loudest in the crowd, OY! Everyone was having fun sharing tricks with Gina as she is just about what is known as a layman... she enjoyed all the attention and fun magic... I performed Sympathetic cards, jumping gems, jumping arrow and some card tricks like the biddle trick, Jazz aces and a coin trick of Daryls' called the Cross of India, Bernard, a friend of Scottys who is an expert juggler showed up and he was in the category of laymen as well and so he got to be the guinea pig so to speak also...
I think everyone enjoyed themselves. I had to leave at 10:45. I'm sure things heated up after I left. They usually do.
Thanks Scotty and Gina for opening your home and hearts to all of us!
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