The Vote Is In
Yesterday was the deadline for voting by our little church down the road for a new Pastor. It has been an interesting process. Our former Pastor retired at the first of the year. You would think it an easy matter to just slip someone in to pastor a church....Not so fast Kemosabe. Our board of elders sifted through 30-50 applications. Whittling it down to four. Then they asked the church body to vote six church members onto the board temporarily to help in the process. I was one of those six. It was an honor and a very responsible thing to partake in. We listened to sermons and read resumes of the final four as it were...
It was an interesting process. We had two weeks to read and listen and choose our top candidates... We all got together and it was pretty close to unanimous. We had Pastor Bill Vincent come for a visit last weekend and he gave a sermon. We treated him and his family to breakfast,lunch,and dinner. At each of these bread braking get togethers, people from the church body had an opportunity to meet Pastor Bill and his family and ask them ANY questions. All went really smooth. We all got ballots to vote with and they had to be in by Tuesday at 5pm. And I can proudly say that with an 85% approval Pastor Bill is our new pastor. He was called to be told the news and He accepted!

It will be an interesting next couple of months and years!
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