Life and Death

My brother Ted might die. He was admitted into Valley General yesterday at about 6:30 pm, his liver is failing him. Years of alcohol abuse has hardened his liver to the point that the blood won't flow and it caused the blood to back up into his arteries in his esophagus and they have now burst. He vomited large quantities of blood. The docs. Have been working on him basically around the clock.
His liver is so hardened that they are having a helluva time getting anything in or out.
It isn't good.
So, Pray for him.
He may need a liver transplant if he makes it thru this phase.
If you don't mind and you are reading this, say a prayer for his recovery and his family.
Day two..
Ted is still in ICU..
He is stable, it is a wait and see for now.
They have by passed his liver.
They have found some lumps on his liver and will be doing a biopsy tomorrow to see if they are malignant. If they are malignant, I do not know if he will be able to survive because they would see no reason for a liver transplant down the road.
He has a long way to go. Keep praying, I am!
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