Easter Weekend and beyond
Took the family to church for Easter Sunday! Partook of communion and enjoyed a fine sermon by pastor Bill. No games from that man, no sugar coating the truth of Christ and what He has done for us!
My wife's family came over for Easter dinner.

Son Ryan came home for the day and we all enjoyed a good time together until politics got brought up. The Al Gore and global warming scam was mentioned in my presence and of course, me and my big mouth..... slammed anyone who would agree with Al Gore and his lies! The media is a culprit as well in this regard.
Someone once said, "don't talk politics and religion." Maybe I should have taken that advice... NAW!
Went to Leslie Thyagarajan's home on Monday night to work on some magic. Leslie showed me some of his wonderful paintings. He is of Indian descent. East Indian. He is married to a lovely young lady named Sarah. Thanks for your hospitality. Jose arrived about 9 pm and he did his two cups and ball routine. Jose's magic is really coming along.
Tuesday night found me taking my daughter and her friend to their dog agility class. It was their second one. They all did really well and I think they are all having fun which is the real point.
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