You're Right
Solomon said...
Hey Tim! You aught to post more often. I'm checking every day and there's not a whole lot of new stuff...
Yep, I haven't felt much like posting lately. Bummed out about several things... Petty things I know... being passed over as a SHARE speaker. Something about not getting something when you strive for it, put in a lot of time and effort, but someone thinks it just ain't you...
My younger brother Ted

Well, now you know why I haven't posted as of late.
On a happier note...
Saturday our son Ryan came home for a few hours and him and I took the boat out for a brief spin on the lake to make sure everything is in working order for the Summer season. The kicker motor needs work and the Big motor may too... ahhh, you know what boat stands for? Break Out Another Thousand... Here we go. He also had tickets to the Mariners game Saturday night so he treated me to the event. Mariners lost to the Yankees 7-2. We enjoyed one anothers company none the less. Thanks Ryan.
Golfed last Monday and Friday too, Today I will golf as well... My back is hurting still but not enough to keep me from the course.
Sold two sets of golf clubs recently. Hope they work well for their new owners.
Monday night magic was last night...
I performed the Chinese Sticks and the Legend of the Five Mystic Rings. I had a bit of trouble with the linking ring routine, so I just started over...
A couple of friends were there, Larry and Vicki Millspaugh. It was great to see them. After the show they hung around for a bit and I wowed them with a couple of card tricks. Specifically the Biddle trick and the Zingone 12 card mental problem. I kid showed up so I blew him away with the Hot Rod, Amazing Jumping Arrow and the Crazy Mans Hand Cuffs, I think I had more fun after the show than before.
My wife has been dealing with a lot lately as well. Her mother has been in and out of the hospital with various elderly problems. She is 87. We have been trying to get her home ready to sell and it has been a chore. Not just the moving and boxing, and cleaning part, but rather the emotional and dealing with brothers and sisters part. The dividing of family belongings and heirlooms and such.
Joan has been a major player in the transition of her mother out of her home and into assisted living care.
So, there you have it.
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