That is what magic is. Unbelievable. A wonderful journey that has the opportunity to touch countless lives. But only if you give it away. Like your bright smile!
It does me no good to keep it to myself.
I went to a surprise birthday party for my neighbor Andy last night. He turned the big 5 OH!
Lots of his family and friends were there. Lots of young children too, nieces and nephews and their children. A DJ was hired, karaoke was happening. Great amounts of wonderful food,
I'm wandering around thinking this is a perfect crowd to do a magic show for. An opportunity, or a lost opportunity. A chance to perform and get better at my craft and an opportunity to touch some lives!
In my mind I am debating whether or not I should offer to do some magic. I know Andy and his wife Nikki very well. They are my next door neighbors. We fish together, we go to church together. Our children grew up and went to school together. They have seen my act before. I am thinking what a blessing it would be to perform for them and their friends and family. I am also thinking that maybe I would be intruding in some way into their lives. Is it about me? Or about giving away a hard earned talent? Am I selfish to want to perform for them? Or, am I selfish to keep my magic to myself! Would it be rude of me and would I be "taking away from" HIS birthday, putting the spotlight on me or enhancing the occasion?
Finally, I could stand it no more and I asked his wife discretely if she would mind if I performed some magic. Her eyes lit up and big smile graced her face. A great idea she thought. So, I approached Andy about it. He too was delighted about the idea.
Well, now I have to go home to get my stuff. I had brought a deck of cards with me and a few other things that I always carry with me, but I wanted to do a real show!
It is funny how people perceive a magician. I think most people there thought "this guy is going to do some "trinket" magic."
The DJ let me use his microphone and sound system and I performed my usual set of Chinese Sticks,Acrobatic knot, Ring Rope and Wand, by now people are edging closer, they are laughing and having a good time, warming up. The Egg Bag
I finished with Sterling Dietz' Torn and Restored Newspaper Tear.
Sterling told me when he gave me permission to do this effect,That his only concern was that I practice enough to do it and magic justice!
Last night I nailed it!
After the performance, while mingling around, a man named Dan told me, "that was incredible, thank you, I now have to go home and put my family back together."
Sterling's Torn & Restored Newspaper speaks on the issue of putting the family back together and the world will take care of itself.
What a blessing!
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