Good luck in making unexpected and fortunate discoveries.
I love that word, serendipity. I like what it means , and the way it rolls off the tongue, serendipity!
Last Monday, my wife and I
I have been asking around at all the restaurants when I go to one, for a servers stand, or tray stand. I see them at all the finer restaurants. They are the stands that the waiter or waitress uses to set the food onto when they have a lot of food to bring to your table. Finally, I asked the right person at the right time! I asked if they had any stands in need of repair that they might be willing to part with. Our server thought that they might indeed.
So, Got one that needed only to be tightened up a bit!
Of course, I decided to sand it down a little and re stain it! Serendipity!

Haha! Serendipity!
Last month, in the middle of February, I realized I was getting low on the rope I use for the Cut & Restored Rope routine I use during some of my magic performances. I was having trouble finding the right rope as I bought a large quantity on Ebay a couple of years ago. I emailed a company in Canada and got this reply:
Dear Tim Flynn:
Thank you for contacting us regarding our 5/16” HERCULES 100% cotton sash cord. This cord is packaged on 10lb reels. A 10lb reel is the equivalent of approximately 410 feet. The price for just one reel is $108.08. If you would like to provide me with your mailing address, I would be more than happy to send you a sample of this rope to review.
Best regards:
Wendy Johnstone
Cancord Inc.
Phone: 1-800-879-0079 Fax: 905-527-7790
After receiving the initial samples, I realized it would not work, so I emailed here and physically sent her some samples of what I am presently using.
Here is her reply:
Hi Tim:
I have some samples ready for you – 400’ of the 5/16” cord as well as a sample of the larger hollow cord. I am also returning your original sample of the larger hollow cord. Is it easier/better for you if I send this by mail or UPS. Let me know…Wendy
Wendy Johnstone
Cancord Inc.
Phone: 1-800-879-0079 Fax: 905-527-7790
Today, I received the 400 ft. spool!
There are some wonderful people in this world. Just looking to help you out if you will but ask
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