Week end work
Saturday I slept in a little, but eventually found myself at our church property!
My turn to do outside clean up.
I arrived about 1pm and mowed the lawn (Using a riding mower) and used a blower to blow the parking lot. Our church recently sold and closed on March 12th. We had a large "Moving sale" this weekend too. Seems because the daycare has been closed now for some time that some teenagers decided to use the parking lot as their personal "burn rubber" track! I think the laughs on them however as there is lots of rubber chips all over. I cleaned them all up and the place looks great!
Sunday after worship I drove out to Tacoma. The Bigfoot Clown Alley I am a member of has one of those "Adopt a Road" areas. Seven of us showed up and made the work go very fast. I am finding out how important these types of projects are. Not just because of the clean up, but more importantly for the fellowship that gets built!
My alley meets once a month for the general meeting. We do some alley business, have some teaching time,lots of balloon tying jams, which I am not very good at, and some
team building time as well,
Here we are trying to pass a balloon ring to each other, as you can see there is much hysteria going on!
We have many events coming up that we participate in, also this year our alley will be hosting the Northwest Festival of Clowns in Olympia, http://www.bigfootclownalley.com/nwfc/
This is a huge undertaking and it is amazing to see everyone pulling together!
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