Fire In The Sky

Left Friday morning for Ocean Shores... we have spent nearly the last 6-7 4th O' July celebrations at the Ocean with our friends the McDowells at their beach home on the canal.
It was a nice 3-4 day get away!
Surprisingly I did NO magic!
Kind of a break if you will...
I helped Dale and Jean work around their place, mowing the lawn, and refurbishing their pontoon boat. Dale and his neighbor Neil had already had the boat taken all apart, we just had to apply glue and lay the new carpet down. Yeah right. Always sounds easy... but it took WAY longer than expected. Measure twice cut once. Sanding and filling cracks and holes. I enjoyed the work.
We had a lot of help.

The 4th O July is always a favorite holiday for me, lasting memories of picnics with my mom and siblings, fireworks all day, fun in the sun!
Those days are long past. In my early twenties I used to be the pyro maniac. Had a connection that could get me nice three inch fireworks for a decent price. Of course I was playing men's competetive softball in those days and most 4th O July's were spent in a tournament somewhere. I would bring out some great fireworks and light up the sky wherever we were playing that week!
Nowadays I do not like to spend the money to light on fire.
We got lucky this year at the Ocean.

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