A time to share

Monday, September 20, 2010

Friday Golf

I heard a joke that had the punch line "Round is a shape." Like "I'm in shape, round is a shape."
I'm not round, but I am not in very good shape.
Even taking a cart golfing made me sore in my calves... Can only imagine how sore I'd be if I had walked the whole course..
Played Maplewood Golf Course Friday with my son Eric. I will say I shot a 94 before going much further and just get that out of the way. My trusty putter let me down, but actually it didn't bother me as I haven't golfed much this year...
I was stroking the ball well with the putter, just hammering every putt past the hole. My ball striking was surprisingly solid, if a bit erratic. This has always been my challenge. I hit the ball squarely most of the time, just don't know exactly where it's going to go. I have been pulling the ball and have acquired a draw/hook bias...
Now for the good stuff. Being with Eric was a blast. He hit a couple of balls that never came down, O.k. they came down, but about 300 yards from the tee! I began calling him Popeye because of his large Biceps. But it takes more than muscles to power a ball that far. It takes limber ness, and athleticism. Eric has both actually in spite of his dynamite muscular development.
Joining us were my friend Mike and Dale joined us for the back nine.
We enjoyed some cigars as we had a perfect fall day for golf!


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