Fish On Finally

Sockeye Salmon opener a blast! Left the house at aboaut 1:20 A.M. to get to the launch before it got so backed up you couldn't get in... Launched at the Rainier Beach launch, NO lines, free parking on the streets... I took my neighbors son AAron and his friend Travis... we started fishing about 5 A.M.. we ;limited out at about 8:10 A.m. with our six fish! Boats, boats everywhere... we didn't care, it was a happenning, the water temp was 66 degrees. overcast and a bit choppy. Those crazy Sockeye Salmon, considered one of the best if not the best tasting salmon available, were chomping at the bare red hook. Five of the six were caught on my son Erics' fishing rod, too bad he is in San Antonio....
Going in the afternoon tomorrow after church services, my daughter says she wants to go.. Right ON!!
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