How It all Started for me
I started doing magic in my early 20's. I did what Philemon would dub slum magic. Hopping half, Scotch and Soda, penetration frame, hot rod, jumping gems and a cigarette vanish via the magicians secret weapon. I played with magic for a couple of years, never getting serious, heck, I had no idea there were clubs and many others teaching and performing. I was just having fun amazing friends and family with this "trinket" magic stuff! Somehow I got away from magic for about twenty years. Maybe it was lack of interest,magic was hard work, children, the daily grind of life, I dunno. But I am living proof that you can resurrect your magical dreams. I was fortunate to find Tom Frank and his magic shop and his willingness to freely give of his time and talents. Toms misfortune, his losing his magic shop through an ugly divorce was for me an unlikely magical boon. Because of that negative time in Tom's life, Steve Ameden and I proposed the idea of meeting with Tom in his home once a week, we would supply the dinner and Tom graciously accepted the offer to teach us magic during these wonderful evenings!

So the spark that Tom ignited is still floating around out there, waiting patiently for a little blow of wind, or a breath of life to turn it back into a roaring blaze!

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