Independence Day Celebration

Thursday afternoon we loaded up the Tahoe, the daughter, and the dog. We headed South to Ocean Shores Washington. A two hour drive... that took four...
Our friends Dale and Jean own a home on the canal that meanders it's way all over the place in Ocean Shores. It runs into or out of or thru a lake, Duck Lake it's called. A beautiful place to visit. Lots to do, Kite flying, beach combing, bike riding,and just relaxing and being lazy. Lots of good food, and friends were coming in and out throughout the weekend!
Friday morning (The 4th O' July) Dale and I got up early and went golfing at Ocean Shores golf course, the only game in town... I got a bad start on the first two holes, topping the ball on several shots, but eventually settled down and began striking the ball fairly well. The wind kicked up as it often does at this course, Sometimes a helpful tailing wind, and more often than not an in your face three extra club gale. I finished the round with a par on eighteen for a total of 90. Dale

Friday night on the beach and lighting fireworks, we met up with several friends that also have property at Ocean Shores. The beaches were totally crowded with Independence Day revelers and bonfires all along the coast as far as the eye could see, which in some instances wasn't very far because the smoke was so heavy it burned the eyes to watering!
I had a run in with something called Goldslagger, it is a schnapps type liqueur. Goes down easy, but comes back up nasty.
I don't drink very often anymore, kind of outgrew it I guess... but this night I let myself out a bit too far on an empty stomach. In fact later that night as I tried to get some sleep it got a bit emptier. Not fun. Happy fourth O' July to me! Stupid!
Some lessons go down hard!
Saturday I felt fine, remarkably. Big BBQ planned as everyone was coming to Dale and Jean's for the grit out,and I would be performing a magic show. The day started out cloudy and wet, but by 5 pm, it was a nice calm sunny day. Great food, Salmon, Pork roast,

All went well and everyone had fun with it. Lots of laughter and cuttin' up by the audience.
Sunday was a nice, sunny, windy day and we headed to the beach to fly kites.
Had no problem getting the kites up in the air. Strong winds and two stringed kites. I enjoyed maneuvering the kite back and forth across the sky and doing diving and spinning maneuvers. Had a blast. I got a nice? sunburn on my face and forehead.
Took some time and taught Katie how to fly these kites.

Monday was going home time and cleaning up before leaving. But first some nice breakfast. We enjoyed good breakfasts every day.Katie went for a bike ride on the back of Dales Harley.

Even the dogs had a blast!

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