On Stike at Boeing.
Day six I believe. Sleep eludes me as I try to turn my clock around to what normal people have. Who decides normal? I do! HA!
Last Sunday night I spent some time at Life Center in Tacoma. I was not prepared for the enormity of the place. A clown friend of mine thru the Big Foot clown alley wanted me to entertain about 70-90 senior citizens.
I performed for about 45-50 minutes and was told later that they wanted more! That is how you are supposed to leave em, wanting more!
Tuesday I went golfing at Twin Lakes Country club. A free round of golf at a country club is always a special treat! The weather was perfect. I hit some great shots and some not so great shots. Putting on country club greens is always an adventure! Fast, fast, fast! I shot a respectable (?) 94! Later Tuesday evening I enjoyed our Big Foot Clown Alley meeting. The clowns were teaching face painting. Not for me at this time, but I am a member, and want to give any support I can. I watched as one of the clowns did a magic effect with a "birthday" boy and a dove pan. Very nicely done. Magically producing a real birthday cake!
Balloon twisting demonstrations and more. I gotta get into that twisting thing!
Last night I met up with some magicians, Jose and Leslie. We had a nice session. We worked on Bizarre Twist, Tricky wallet, Some coin stuff. Jose did a very nice quarter from sugar packet effect that was taught to him by Mark Storms over a year ago! Sometimes this stuff takes time to percolate!
I also performed for the first time, Al Schnieder's Osmosis for Leslie and Jose. Jose said it looked good with no flashes. Sweet, a work in progress coming to fruition. We also discussed dressing as a magician theory. Comparing Doug Henning, Chris Angel, David Blaine and others. We all hear that you should dress a notch above who you are performing for. These guys certainly don't. So, maybe it's your persona, or attitude.
Jose showed us his new folding magic
What a sweet man and a wonderful treat! His prototype he called it!
Magic has been a true blessing to me. I hope I can be a blessing to others thru this art.
Before heading to Jose's. I stopped by Gary Smith's home to pick up a magical item that I am borrowing from Gary.
Gary was bummed because he couldn't make the session and was planning on it. His wife has back problems and was on meds. He shared with me his work on David Roth's Portable hole. Gary has really nice chops with coins. A little rusty as he hasn't performed in many years, but you can see the underlying work that was once foundational and the many hours spent in the art.
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