Two Weeks Later and...
lots has happened!
Christmas came and went!
Had family times. Snow all around! it is beautiful!
Ryan spent some time with us, that is a treat to have him home and time for him and Katie to do some bonding!
It's been cold out, the snow took a long time to disappear, funny how people are...
Always wanting a "white Christmas" then getting one and complaining about how much trouble the snow is. Ryan and I enjoyed hot tubbing in the inclement weather, we spoke of this weird phenomenon that is people never being happy. It always rains, it's too hot, it's too cold etc...

We decided that we live in a very cool place in our world!
New Years eve found me at home with just the wife and I!
Katie was celebrating with a friend and Ryan was at a party with his church people!
Happy New Year! 2009! They are cruisin' by!
Ryan got the job in Boulder Colorado, so he is planning on driving there this Wednesday, this is a bad time of year to be heading over so many mountain passes!
We spent some time moving him out of his Seattle house. All his stuff found it's way into our basement. He is planning on renting a U-Haul trailer to tow behind his Isuzu Rodeo. I spent several hours getting his vehicle in better running condition.
Changed spark plugs and wires. Replaced a head light and a rear blinker light! Fixed his driver side mirror.
He is going to get an oil change and filter too.
Hope all goes well!
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