Wild Magic Seminar
I mean World Magic Seminar, in Las Vegas, My first trip to Vegas, never did make it to the strip!
Smoke and red eyes.
Magic and Mystery!
Laughs and more.

Meeting new people, sharing magic,making friends,

To a wonderful land of Alakazam!

Mark Wilson is the pioneer of magic on television! The Magic Land of Alakazam ran for four years from 1960 to 1964 in the United States.
Mark Will be 80 years young this year!
Met some of the "old guard" in magic, men like The legendary Johnny Thompson,

Johnny is 74.
The incomparable Howie Schwartzman,

Roberto Giobbi

The new guard was also in attendance, Jason Latimer performed his great cups and balls routine. He also performed his new illusion show! I can describe his new illusion show in two words! Murphy's Law! OUCH!
From the beginning to the end, it was fraught with mishaps. Music off time, lighting problems and so much more. Glad it happened in front of a "friendly" audience. I really felt for Latimer. He handled it all very well, I can learn a lot from his expert handling of a tough situation.
I made some new friends. Especially with a man from Manilla, Phillipines.
Rannie Raymundo! Rannie was one of the invited guest speakers and performers!
For some reason he and I hit it off from the get go.

I met the incomparable Mickey Silver! What a HOOT this guy is. ALWAYS smiling and carrying on. His coin productions are top notch. Mickey can pass a coin thru just about anything! Totally awesome!
I guess about the funniest thing that happened to me was, during a break in the Eric Jones lecture, I went down stairs for some reason, Rannie, Mickey and The God Father, Vinnie Marini were standing around. Mickey did some coin work so I wanted to share with him something I could do. I pulled out my "magic wallet" and proceeded to perform "Marked For Life" for the small group. A man ambled over from the bar, or as I later realized, he was part of this small group. He looked like a lumberjack type with a sort of flannel shirt on. I aced the routine I performed, (Good thing)and Mickey said to me, "that was great," I told him it is a John Cornelius effect. (one of the old guard I mentioned earlier) Mickey says, " As far as I'm concerned it is your effect because I always remember them from the first guy I see them from."
As Mickey and the rest of the guys began to mingle, I noticed the old guy in the flannel looking shirt, I asked him if he does magic? He smiled gently and reached out his hand and said, "I'm John Cornelius."

You coulda knocked me over with a feather! I turned red I'm sure, Didn't know what to say. The air went out of the room. I shook his hand, asked him "how did I do?" Can't remember his reply, he just had this gentle smile on his face.
What an honor for me to have done the routine well. People told me later, as we all had a good laugh about it, that it was honoring to him as well.
My friend and one of my magic mentors, Steve Ameden

He may be right! I hope so. I have a lot to learn, but on the other hand, I am on the road, in my journey!
All is well grass hopper!
The best lecture to me was the Eric Jones lecture. Eric is from Baltimore. His coin manipulations were outstanding! His teaching was superb. I have a habit of comparing magical teaching to the Great teaching that Michael Ammar does on his excellent video series. Eric was right up there with that. He is only 27 and very charming.
Much more to unpack..
Too much info... No sleep...
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