No Way Jose
Yes Way!
Jose held a magic session last night at his home. I arrived just after seven pm. Leslie Thyagarajan was already there.
We launched right into some rubber band magic. Leslie has all that stuff mastered. Very nice!
Leslie has a very nice persona when performing his magic.
It wasn't long and Mark Storms
Mark jumped right into a wooden matchstick effect by Wayne Houchin. I personally don't like burning my tongue, but hey, if that's your schtick...
Mark did a nice job with the effect and returned to it later in the evening for a new comer, young man from Hong Kong, calls himself Bill.
The session was nice in that lots of teaching going on, little things like touches to make the magic more magical.
Before Bill arrived, I pulled out my new set of linking rings made by Owens magic. I wanted to share them with Jose as he has some rings and has learned a couple of routines. Mark asked me to perform my ring routine so I launched into it. Jose liked a few of the "moves" I have incorporated into the routine, Mark said it was really smooth, guess I fooled them! :)
Bill performed a nice gamblers card routine Ala Darwin Ortiz. Everyone got a five card hand and returned them to the deck, he faro shuffled the deck, re dealt the cards, everyone got their original hand back except the dealer, (Bill) he got a Royal straight flush.
Since we were on a gambling theme, Mark shared an easier way to do the same effect.
I joined in with a nice ten card, two hand gambling effect by Joshua Jay called 2-4-2.
Both Mark and Jose
After that I did John Mendoza's Routined Poker Mental effect. This brought up lots of discussion about strengthening the ending. It was funny because I must have done some good acting because Mark really believed I lost his card in the deck.
Mark went over his Coin/card matrix. Jose eagerly worked on the routine as it has been some time since he toyed with it and had lost the sequencing.
We played with the idea of a kicker ending using a Jumbo coin and how to bring it in at the end under cover of some cards. It was fun brain storming.
I shared a three phase coin routine I have been working on and it went pretty well, I like the idea of routining effects together into a cohesive whole. I also demonstrated this idea with a four effect routine, combining Dunsbury Aces, Dr.Daley's Last Trick, Twisting the Aces and finishing with Jumping Gemini.
I know that wisdom tells us to only do a three effect routine, but Jumping Gemini is so strong, and so much magic using just four cards.
It was nice to meet Bill, he is a pleasant young man, and looking to get out and perform. He is struggling getting his "foot in the door" as he has been in America only three years and doesn't know a lot of people.
He has studied much of Darwin Ortiz' stuff. Not a bad place to study, maybe I'll hit his stuff a little harder. Where does one find the time?
Malone, Ammar, Ortiz, Joshua Jay, Paul Harris, Daryl, etc. etc. etc...
I had to leave about 10:15 as I work nights, I Hope the guys enjoyed the session as much as I.
Hey Tim,
I am glad that we all got to session this week. There was a lot of learning going on. Your rings have gotten very smooth. Anyway, I hope we can keep these things going more regularly. If I get a house I can certainly host.
Great to see you man! Thanks for the compliment, you are getting more relaxed as well. Let's definately do that more often!
Hi Tim,
Thank you for the nice review blog article. It's memorable to me and I appreciate the hospitality of you and other magicians. Also I'd like to thank you for your tips on the business side of the magic.
These sessions will defintely keep me motivated in practicing more.
Hey Bill, my pleasure, shoot me an eamil and let's get together soon!
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