Magic Session Tuesday
In attendance were Randy, Jose, Mark and I.
Jose's wife Cindy treated us all to some nice apple strudel cake.
Actually a nice intimate group. Mark exhibited his nice Silver & Gold Sherwood cups & balls,
The evening was spent talking about magic history and philosophy as well as some sleights and fun tricks or things that are entertaining and not tricks. I did nothing! Actually a wonderful little piece of entertainment by Steve Bender from Ickle Pickle. His Do nothing effect. About a minute to a minute and a half of 'doing nothing,' but doing nothing really well.
We went over the 'Bizarre Twist' routine
'True or False' seven card effect from Steve Bender.
Mark & Jose worked on the pinky count. Jose had become somewhat proficient with it in the past, but thru lack of use...
I think we all have that happen to us. That lack of use thing, Use it or lose it.
This is why I suggested we write down ALL the effects we know. This way we can look at the list and remember what to work on or brush up on now and then.
We have a tendency to fall in love with the latest and greatest. Speaking of the latest and greatest, We discussed 'extreme burn' By Richard Sanders. A wonderful money changing effect. But why do I want to learn it? To have a cool magical trick? What is the 'story' around the effect? Why do it? What is the point? How do you go into it? How do you come out of it?
Also discussed was the idea of being focused at these sessions, this is what I have been trying to do with them. We all agreed that we would enjoy learning the three shell game. Most of us has a set of shells of some sort. Randy mentioned he would like to learn the Egg Bag. I kind of pinned him down as to whose routine he might like to learn, or perhaps melding several. It was good productive session!
Looks like a good time was had by all!
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