Been enjoyin' the semi forced, mini vacation, prelude to retirement time off, because of the Boeing strike, now into it's 48th day.
Filling my time with magic practice, good food and down time reading.
Yesterday was Joan's birthday! We spent a relaxing day smoking Salmon. The fishing was really poor this last season. I had some fish that has been vacuum sealed since 2007. It stayed nice because of the sealing process.
Usually I smoke two batches a year. This year it looks like only one batch will be smoked, and that will be a small batch. Usually I am able to fill up the racks entirely and use all five.
I love to be able to give away the smoked
I have been invited to go Steel head fishing on Friday, hopefully I will catch some fish to supplement the small amount left in the freezer!
Like I said, it was Joan's birthday yesterday and some great things happened. Ryan took her out for lunch. They enjoyed Thai food! Ryan's church had an auction several months ago. One of the things auctioned by one of the parishioners was a dessert a month. Ryan purchased this for us. So, yesterday the lady, Lynn arrived with a huge chocolate cake and an apple tort! Yummy!
Since Lynn arrived just when the smoked Salmon was done, we sent her home with some! We also gave her a nice bag full of Asian pear apples from our tree. We harvested way too much for just us.
Life is good!
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