Just got home from the 2010 World Magic Seminar,

to here after be referred to as WMS!
What a fantastic, mind blowing event in so many ways and at so many levels!
Four days of fun, frolic, and magic!
I hardly know where to begin...
This year as the event grew near, I really was not excited about attending, good thing I pre paid from last years event!
Many of my friends that I thought would be going, couldn't make it. One friend who was bringing his girl friend, at the last minute didn't. That allowed for more time together, sweet.
I arrived Sunday morning at the Orleans Hotel in sunny Las Vegas at about 11 A.M. Checked in and the only thing open was the "Dealers Room."
This is a money trap... well, at least you will get something for your money here, unlike the many people I noticed at the gaming tables on the main floor!
Ed Magic captured my attention right away with some SWEET gadgets, my O my! The Ultimate Hold out is a thing of beauty! really a sweet piece of apparatus. Out of my price range at this time, but... Ed did entice me with a wonderful card effect called, drum roll please... "The Impossible Prediction!"
I did purchase this wonderful effect and will be fooling and entertaining people forever. Not only was it an impressive magical effect, I really enjoyed talking with Ed about his magic and life. He is a sweet heart of a guy.
I tried to stay out of the dealer room, I really did!
I wandered over to Stevens Magic Emporiums table, which took up a corner suite!
Much to offer there I tell ya! I wanted to purchase a wonderful ceramic Lota Pitcher for a Christian effect I have in my mind, $155.00 stopped me though. I can get it later for 20 dollars off. I just want it for a Jesus/Living water effect I have been thinking about. The fact that it is ceramic and not metallic like most Lota Bowls is why I want one. Just couldn't pull the trigger.
I wandered over to the Card-Shark booth. They were selling the new Phoenix Playing Cards. These were a HOT seller at the convention, about 2.50 a pack, five for ten dollars. I met a magician named Josh here, he was a pleasant long haired fellow. I traded him a cigar for a cool over sized deck of cards that I might play with someday.. I also met a Christan "Card Shark" Schenk from Germany at this "booth."
Chris is from Germany, he is a salesman too, I know this because I walked away from his little shop of magic with several cool effects, things like "The Gypsy Curse" A wonderful card/story telling effect. I like these. The fun thing for me is that the cards are vintage looking and worn, yellowed etc. It will be some work to master, but I can do it! Also along these lines is an effect known as "Corner of Picadilly" again, vintage cards.
I also picked up a very nice packet trick that involves butterflies, this will be great for the ladies!
Well, I don't want to give everything away here...
A lecture by a master quick change artist was upcoming. His name is Lee Alex. Although I do not plan to do quick changes at this time... you never know. His knowledge and expertise were fun and exciting. I enjoyed Lee's lecture very much.
8 P.M. rolled around and it was time for the Welcome Party.
Good food and mingling are the main event here.

I met Fielding West while standing in line for a beverage. He is a magic comedian. More on him later...
In fact, Fielding was putting on a lecture after the Welcome Party.
His lecture was splendid. Dove productions, Balloon swallowing and more.
He also spoke on the importance of not treating magic lightly, as the idea of using gimmicks that are for magic as comedy props that give away the secret. Of course Mr. West had some DVD's and literature for sale as well. I look forward to watching mine!
Later that night I spent time at one of the bars on the main floor. Doing magic, watching magic and talking magic.. Got to my room about 3:30.
Monday was more of the same, Joshua jay lecture, Stage contests, stage shows, close up contests by teens, and finally, something I have been looking forward to... The Mickey Silver Lecture at 10:15 P.M.

I met Mickey last year and I truly love the man. He is an awesome coin manipulator. This was his "coming out" lecture. Mickey was great, teaching his very impressive, "The Move" coin vanish and reproduction! Mickey has held this "move" close to the vest for thirty years. This is the first time he has revealed it to the magic community. What a treat it was for me to be in attendance at this lecture!
Mickey is one of the warmest people I know! It will take many hours of work to become proficient (natural) with his wonderful move. I was extremely proud to be in the audience fro this lecture!
Again, later that night I spent time at a bar on the main floor of the lobby doing magic with a new friend, Jeramy Decharme, ,we fooled each other and many others. We played til 4 A.M. (Ouch!)
Tuesday arrived much to early! Had to drag my sorry carcass outta bed because Shawn Farquhar was lecturing. I had never met or seen Shawn perform, but had heard a lot about him. The stories are all true! Shawn is awesome! His magic is upbeat, positive, fast paced and innovative. I wanna be him! :) I would have to say that his magic is cutting edge. And what a wonderful, giving man. Although Shawn did slip in a few Canadian is better than America jokes... like something about Canada beating the U.S. in the Olympic hockey finals... What do you think of that, Eh?
Simply put, Shawn's Awesome!
Immediately following the Farquhar lecture was the Max Howard lecture.
I missed his stage show, but wasn't going to miss this lecture, I went to learn, and learn I am!
Max's lecture was splendid indeed. A lot about staging and stage presence. Very theatrical. Max inspired me, and yes... I bought all of his "Tupperware."
Dvd's and manuscripts. Finding the time to delve into all this is going to actually be work! Max's "stuff" involves some heavy thinking. This is the kind of thinking I like to read and immerse myself into. It is one thing to be able to do a magic trick, quite another to make it a magical effect, as well as entertaining! I look forward to the journey!
At 4 P.M. that afternoon was the Adult Close Up contest. A young man, Ben Jackson won the contest.

He is really excellent. I enjoyed meeting Ben. He is gracious with his time and talents. Oh, and what a special smile! Several wonderful performances at the contest.
I will skip some of what went on that day as it was a fast paced day, but a super high light for me was the Howard Hamburg lecture!
I didn't know what to expect from Howard, but fell in love with him.
Howard is 71 years young, seriously! :)
Howard spoke about his days with Dai Vernon, Michael Skinner, Larry Jennings and more... Made miss the fact that I wasn't there to meet them all!
Howard did three card effects for us and taught them as well. I truly look forward to getting to know him deeper. He is a pleasant, gentle giant of a man. His card work is super clean and natural, his tone is spell binding and dis arming. Now that is something to strive for!
Then there were the hundreds of magicians in the hallway's. Just everywhere having fun, sessioning on the floor or at a bar.

Curtis Kam, John Cornelius, my friend Steve Ameden, and the incomparable... Alan Ackerman.

Man, Allan showed me what true humility is. He is a grand master of card effects. A purist in the true sense of the word. He had a smile plastered on his face all night long. He sat on the floor and just jammed with anyone in arms length! Truly impressive!
The event, the 33rd annual World Magic Seminar was a tribute to Siegfried & Roy.

The stars came out to pay homage to these wnderful Pioneers of Las Vegas magic.
Lance Burton, Penn & Teller, Chris Angel and more, all of us!

Needless to say, I was wiped out when I got home. I slept for fifteen hours straight! But am excited not only for my future, but I know the future of magic is in good hands!