I went to watch the movie "Avatar" yesterday.
I went with an open mind. I wanted to really enjoy the movie, I tried to let "my Hair: down and enjoy the awesome computer effects that are capable with today's technology.
The movie was fantastic in many ways. The graphics were really good.
A nice, action packed movie.
I used to love Science fiction books, and belonged to the Science Fiction book club for many years.
I was offended by the blatant liberal slant though.
The often used swearing of "god damn" and the "green" theme. The over used bashing of the so called "right" as depicted by the people trying to mine the resources of the planet Pandora. The female goddess structure too. The evil corporation of course is the English speaking Americans, always taking without giving anything in return.
We have already destroyed our own "mother" Earth, and now will destroy the goddess on Pandora. All hail the female goddess of Pandora!
I find it insulting that it is o.k. to bash the "God" of Christianity in everything, but how dare you say anything derogatory about anyone or anything else.
Men are stupid, ignorant creatures, and lesser beings in Pandora... got to be protected by the woman folk....
Being reborn on Pandora is capable too... just bow down, pray and submit yourself to the all encompassing female goddess of Pandora.
Wow, for those of you that watched this movie, did you notice the meshing of all religions?
Mother Earth, Born again, New age, all things are one...
Our sixteen year old daughter didn't notice any of this, she and I am sure the many children of her age, have no idea of the brain washing going on...
It reminded me of watching an old cowboy's and Indian's movie when I was a child, oops, did I say Indians?
I'm sorry, I meant Native Americans...
Oh my... I'm so sorry to anyone reading this, I'm not allowed to be offended... I'm a white, Christian, and male...
Too bad, ,the movie was really fun in many ways!